Kavin Duraisamy

Toy Train Delights: A Mesmerizing Journey through Nilgiri Mountains

Travel Date : 1-July-2023
Place : Mettupalayam to Ooty glimpse

Toy Train Adventure: Planning and Booking the Enchanting Ooty Getaway

In the last week of June, on a Friday morning, I was searching for a short weekend trip. I decided to check the availability of train tickets for the Vandhe Bharath train from Coimbatore to Chennai. Unfortunately, I discovered that there were no tickets available for the weekend. Disappointed, I began exploring other options and came across the Ooty toy train, which had been on my bucket list for a long time.

To my surprise, there were tickets available for the next day. The summer special train operation had been extended until the 23rd of July. Without hesitation, I immediately booked a second-class ticket since all the first-class tickets were already fully booked. The ticket cost me around Rs. 1100, which was higher than the usual price of around Rs. 400 for a second-class ticket. This increase was due to it being a special train.

Typically, the regular train from Mettupalayam to Ooty operates every day at 7 AM. However, to accommodate the summer vacation rush, the railway introduced an additional train specifically for weekends, departing at 9 AM. Initially, this service was planned to operate until June, but fortunately, it was extended until July.

Toy Train Bliss

I reached the Mettupalayam railway station by car, which was approximately 70 KM away from my home. Around 8.15 AM, I arrived at the railway station and, after making a few inquiries, located the platform for the toy train. At that moment, I saw the toy train undergoing final preparations for the journey.

The train arrived at the platform at 8.30 AM, and immediately people began taking photos and videos of it. I also captured a few photos and videos myself. After a brief search, I found my coach, D1, and located seat 24. It was a 4-seater single row coach with rear-facing seats. The other coaches had 2 rows of front and rear-facing seats, arranged opposite to each other.

Around 9.10 AM, the train embarked on its journey from Mettupalayam, crossing the Bhavani river bridge and making its first stop at Kallar. At the Kallar station, the mountain train (toy train) was refilled with water before resuming the journey.

The train continued its journey through the scenic Nilgiris mountains. Both sides of the train route were adorned with lush greenery, and we could spot several small waterfalls cascading down the mountains. Despite having a window seat, my side didn’t offer much in terms of scenery, as it mostly showcased mountain rocks. However, the opposite side window provided fantastic views. So, all four of us in the coach decided to take turns enjoying the scenery from that window. We continued the journey, sharing the window view among ourselves.

The train made stops at various stations to refill water for the steam engine and allow passengers to take a break. During these stops, people relished the beauty of the Nilgiris mountains. The train halted at stations such as Kallaru, Hillgrow, Runneymede, and finally reached Coonoor station.


At the Coonoor station, we bid farewell to the steam engine as the remaining part of the journey was operated by a diesel engine. Throughout the trip, the train passed through numerous rock tunnels, which was an amazing experience.

In Coonoor station, the railway provided a snack bag containing biscuits and chocolates. Eventually, the train crossed Love Dale railway station and arrived at the Udhagamandalam (Ooty) railway station around 3 PM. The entire 46 km journey took approximately 6 hours, and it was a fantastic experience. During the travel, I relished the cool breezy air and the greenery of the Nilgiri mountains.

Upon reaching Ooty, I decided to stay there for the day and return the following day. Hence, I began searching for a hotel. It proved to be a bit challenging as it was a weekend, and most of the hotels were fully booked. However, I managed to find a hotel called City Palace and stayed there for the night.

ooty tea plantation

Scenic Delights: Ooty City Exploration and Mountain Bus Journey

The following day, after having breakfast, I took a leisurely stroll around the city of Ooty and did some shopping. I purchased the famous homemade chocolates and varkey, known for their quality in Ooty. After spending some time exploring the city, I made my way to the Ooty bus station.

From there, I boarded a bus bound for Mettupalayam. The bus journey took approximately 3.5 hours, winding through the picturesque Nilgiri mountains, encompassing 36 hairpin bends along the way. The ticket for the bus cost me Rs. 50. Throughout the bus ride, I was treated to breathtaking views of lush green scenery and enjoyed the refreshing breeze in the air.